100 incredibly inspiring blogposts for educators
#on teaching
#working with students
#ideas, tips and resources for the classroom
#educational issues and the future of education
#classroom management
#using technology
#preparing students for life after secondary school
#links to resources
The most popular blogs that might be useful to educators
#History, Art, Economics, Maths, Science, Technology, gadgets, leadership
Engaging education using Web 2.0 tools
#Covers 41 Web 2.0 tools including: Slideshare, Writeboard, dimdim (web conferencing), Jing, Pixton (online comics), GoAnimate, Keybr (practice keyboarding online), my brochure maker, TagCrowd.
100 free online lectures that will make you a better teacher
#creative learning environments
#new technology
#information for new teachers
#information for all teachers
#teaching specific subjects
#the Arts
#Physical Education and Health Education
100 Best Youtube videos for teachers and education
#Inspirational videos
#classroom management
#How to;s and guides
180 Technology tips
#15 hours of free computer training in 180 easy to follow 5 minute lessons. You can subscribe and get a tip emailed to you each day or just browse all tips and download the ones you want. This is the kind of relevant and uncomplicated computer training everyone needs. Remember: a geek is a good thing!
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